Discover our range of sensors and dataloggers for temperature, humidity and other parameters

Temperature dataloggers, Wireless, Wi-Fi or Ethernet sensors, Monitoring software


Measured parameters

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Control type


Thermo Button Accessories

Attachment accessories for temperature recorders Thermo Buttons and Hygro Buttons

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Our sensors and dataloggers measure temperature, humidity, but also CO2, pressure and many other parameters. We offer different solutions to connect them. Wireless radio, Ethernet or Wi-Fi. Our software is user-friendly, easy to install and use. We are at your disposal to advise you on the system best suited to your needs.

They chose Plug and Track

Our temperature data loggers and connected sensors are used by famous organisations of the food industry, healthcare, research and industry worldwide.

  • Airbus
  • Essilor
  • KFC client Plug and Track
  • Lactalis client Plug and Track
  • Croix-Rouge Belgique client Plug and Track
  • APHP client Plug and Track