How to control the temperature of a refrigerator in Phamarcy ?
n a dispensary pharmacy or hospital pharmacy, the temperature of sensitive medicines should be between 2 and 8°C. The GPhC standards provide a reminder of the recommendations for the management of health products subject to the cold chain.
The General Pharmaceutical council states that : “not being able to demonstrate that medicines that need to be refrigerated are stored within the correct temperature range is a common reason for failing standard 4.3.”
3 important recommendations for the storage of temperature sensitive products :
- The qualification of the thermostatic enclosure (refrigerator), to be done every year.
- The regular monitoring (if possible continuous) of the temperature, to be done at least every day.
- The regular calibration of the measuring equipment, to be done every year.
- Plug and Track designs Plug and Play products, i.e. ready to use.
- We attach great importance to providing you with fast decision-making tools.
- So you can concentrate on the job you love, and meet your regulatory obligations with complete peace of mind.
Our offer for temperature monitoring in pharmacies
For on site mapping, we propose to send to you a mapping kit. It is composed of 9 Thermo Buttons with calibration certificates and detailed instructions. All you have to do is place the recorders in the indicated places. After 24 hours, you send them back to us. As soon as we receive them, we will send you a mapping report that validates the correct refrigerator temperature (download a sample mapping report).
For regular monitoring of the refrigerator temperature, several solutions are available to you :
- The Solo Pack 22L : a 22L Thermo Bouton temperature datalogger (-40/+85°C ±0.5°C) to be placed in your refrigerator. You perform a reading (once a week for example) with the Thermotrack PC software and thus keep the trace of the controls and the curves in case of inspection. In addition, we offer you a free account on our internet platform to record your daily inspections with a reminder by SMS in case you forget.
- The Webserve Pharma pack : a sensor to be placed in the refrigerator, a Sensor Net Connect Ethernet or Wi-Fi box that transmits temperatures on Thermotrack-Webserve.com. You receive alerts by SMS if the temperature is exceeded. You control your refrigerator remotely on your phone.
We facilitate the control of the cold chain in your pharmacy
Our technical support is free and unlimited. It answers all your questions about the use of the products. It gives you all the tips to facilitate the monitoring of the cold chain in your pharmacy. You can spend more time serving patients.